The Nature of Living is to Love.

in GEMS5 years ago


Greetings Earthlings, we continue with another installment of this wonderful planet. Today I bring you a beautiful parrot butterfly, its name is due to the beautiful colors of its wings, a pity that I found it in its old age and its wings no longer have the splendor of its youth, but it is still beautiful! Whenever I walk through the mountains I am waiting to find one of these, but this is the first one that I manage to take pictures of, I hope you enjoy it as I have, it is so much so that this beautiful lady has made me go a trance where I could look at some things, it has left me a view of a possible future where: I had met some people from an international institution that financed the creation of private museums that finance themselves, and they gave the impulse to start, and there I had about 40 artists doing different works which would be in the museum area, while all each step of the realization of the work would be in a post for the museum to be published online, and they asked me to open an initial exhibition called from darkness to light , and the challenge was that I had to present a work on paper in pencil and there I entered a trance where the afterlife guided me step by step to carry out that work, in the corner of the paper the lines started s from a dark spot and the lines guide a city or part of it in that same drawing that were more scattered or separate lines that created that city, look at the museum and it was a large space, in a courtyard where I saw about 40 artists working on his works, I think for that exhibition, in addition to seeing the museum with many old pieces and a gallery or pictorial gallery area. Well, this may also be a little because of the dream that I have always had to create a private museum that finances itself, I don't know, but since I have always managed to go to the fourth dimension and see things that others do not, it may be that there I went to the future, well, I just wanted to share with you a little of what nature achieves when we open our hearts to that world that we see who have accepted to awaken and where everyone who wants to do it is welcome, a world where nature is transforming our life little by little, able to heal anything if we really believe it, this is nature and its beings, love and love is what some call God, and real love heals, but we must change and each time live in balance with her, our mother nature, trying to keep the balance between our evil and love, so that love takes more and more space and heals the side dark that all humans carry inside, balance and transformation is only achieved through nature, only go when you can and feel free in front of it and enter into communion and you will see that you can feel your healing energy, love.


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The butterfly, despite having almost no wings, as you can see are very deteriorated, which says that it has little time to live, it is doing its best and follows the path, with effort it flies and is free from the wind, this It is a beautiful example of struggle that we can follow, strive to live the best we can in peace and harmony with the universe. Sometimes people think I'm a little crazy, once it occurred to me to say things that I looked at in a trance where I went to the future, because those days here in my country the food was very cheap and everything was abundant, the price of oil was very high and the government kept royalties everywhere, he even had the luxury of giving money to other countries in immense amounts, it was incredible what I saw for the future in that trance, I told only trusted friends and family, many in My face said that he was very crazy, hahaha, all this that we went through, I looked at him and warned him, few paid attention to me and those today stop me to tell me that they told other close people and that it was incredible, I they asked me to tell them the future and explain that this was not the case, the visions only occur a few times, so that one could prepare himself and that anyone could see a vision, the question is to know how to read that sign language and identify what it is a dream and What a vision, I have spent years trying to learn and still could not say how it identifies, but at least feel when it is a vision, this is not known, that feels. Those who have been able to go to the fourth dimension know it, although you do not believe it, they are more people than you believe, that is why some great teachers have been able to predict things many years ahead in time and even centuries, of course they have achieved much more elevation, I am just a simple peasant and the best thing is not to take a bath, of course priestly priest, when you understand my words you will know that you are on the right track.



Many people do not accept the wealth that we have in front of us and yes, of course it costs a lot, I still fight against myself to be able to follow the path, yes, the main fight is against ourselves and the ego, which makes the mind We played many passes and so it is not easy but the important thing is to fight and follow the path, what we have here in this life, everything is profit, remember that we were born naked, true wealth is not material, it is a balance that allows us be happy with how much or how little we think we have, and we have everything if we look at it that way, or we have nothing if we are pessimistic, but it is a lot because we are still alive and we can learn, I still remember when a great high teacher visited me, a good friend very kind and you could feel his spiritual greatness when talking to him, everyone thought he was crazy, he lived on the street, but I could feel that I mentioned before and I always remember his words in those teachings that gave me jaba: I am rich, I have everything I need, life, the wealth I seek is not like what others want: money, gold, houses, vehicles and those other things, the wealth I seek I already have, humility . And there he smiled, his teeth were missing and he had not bathed, but his humility shone like a great lantern of those who guide a lost ship. I have not looked at him for a long time, I was almost two years old, but I always remember that great teacher who gave me the honor of meeting him and left me some teachings. Where this I appreciate it! Of course, if we need money, do not think that it is not needed, but it is one thing to need and another encompasses it, there lies the balance in not harming others to have money, it is not that if you have money you are a bad person, nor are you going going out to give away all your money, it's not about that, it's about balance and it's good when you start to understand things.


Well earthlings, I say goodbye to you today, from here I send you many positive energies, remember: "do well without looking at whom" words of Miguelangel Landa.

Camera: Panasonic lumix DMC-FZ50.

Lent: Leica 1: 2.8-3.7 / 7.4-88.8.

Location: Villa de Cura.

Original photographs of willsaldeno, I do not edit the photos, because I like to put only what I achieve with the camera and not something improved with an editor.



Good that you like it, thanks for commenting.

Simply spectacular, beautiful

Yes, it is very beautiful, despite being in its last days, when they have full wings if they are magnificent, but I have not managed to take a photo of one like that, but I liked this one a lot and wanted to share it with you. Greetings and thanks for commenting, encourages me to continue showing the work I do with love.

Gracias amigo me encantan las mariposas, lastima que vivan tan poco tiempo, tenemos que continuar adelante cada día. feliz bendecido y inicio de semana

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Regards. When we start to wake up we can see that new world, enjoy it like never before, it heals us because we can be in tune with nature, while for me the world was different before, I only lived like others, now I try to live as one, one Only with this universe, hahaha, it may also be that he is a little crazy, I don't know, but at least now I am happier than before, especially when I walk among nature, that's why I always try to show off its beauty. Thank you for your great support, it encourages me to continue presenting what I like, and lets me see that I am on the right track, of course I know that I am lacking a lot, but I hope to continue improving every day

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