Mother's Love

in GEMS3 years ago

Mother's Love


All Humans need is Love, and the highest form of Love is sacrifice. A mother sacrifice everything for her children's love. Mother teaches us everything to survive, sustain and carry on to the next generation. Not only we humans crave mothers love but all the sentient being same way the love and nurture their young ones. In this male dominated world that we have created, we humans always have forgotten that we all come from the mother's womb and the most hideous crime we have been committing is we are destroying Mother Nature. When we will understand that the more we take, the less we have, and soon "when the last fish is caught, the last tree is cut and the last stream is poisoned, and then we will realize that we can't eat money".

We humans should change our way towards Mother-Earth.It is already late .. May this exploitation stop.


The photo above is of mashed potato, i had taken a scoop of it and saw mother's love in it . This mashed potato reminded me of the first drawing which i did way back and inspired me to write this post.

Thank you