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RE: Northern Blue Jay

in GEMS3 years ago

I've heard hawk calls and only found Blue Jays; now I know what's going on! The birds can mimic hawk vocalization, and it is thought to notify others in their territory that hawks are out hunting.

I have a female Harris's hawk. The Blue Jays would probably go crazy around me. But I live in Hungary, and there are no Blue Jays here.


I bet the crows will go crazy. The crows here will attack hawks. I've seen them do this in our backyard. I've always wanted to have a hawk, but my chickens would object😂😂

I walked (and I will walk) a lot with my Harris's hawk so far. Luckily/fortunately I have not had any incidents with crows so far.

Do you know what the difference is between a raven and a crow? The crow has shorter pinion feathers (feathers on the tip of the wing). So the difference between the birds is a matter of a pinion 😂😂