Connecting with nature as a family [Eng-Spa]

in GEMS2 months ago

Greetings my dear friends, I wish that
They are very good, many blessings,
Today I want to tell you about the adventure we lived as a family! Yesterday my husband's uncle invited us to his farm and what a wonderful day we had! The children were delighted and fascinated to see the cows, horses and bulls so close, really. It was a day full of laughter, fresh air, and connecting with wonderful nature exploring the beauty of that farm! It was a perfect day to disconnect from the routine and healthily enjoy the company of our loved ones.

Saludos mis queridos amigos, deseo que estan muy bien, muchas bendiciones, ¡Hoy quiero contarles la aventura que vivimos en familia! Ayer el tío de mi esposo nos invitó a su finca y ¡qué día tan maravilloso pasamos! Los niños estaban encantados y fascinados al ver las vacas, los caballos y los toros tan cerca, la verdad. ¡Fue un día lleno de risas, aire fresco y conexión con la maravillosa naturaleza explorando la belleza de esa granja! Fue un día perfecto para desconectar de la rutina y disfrutar sanamente de la compañía de nuestros seres queridos. ❤️







Such a beautiful view. Thanks for sharing

Thank you very much for commenting ❤️

It's my pleasure

You captured some beautiful photos my friend thanks for sharing 🤗

Happy New year to you and your family 🎉🎉🎉🎉