🎵 Hive Open Mic Week 7 - "El Gallito" (Cover)

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)

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El Gallito ||| The Rooster

Snap-El gallito.png

This time I return with more of the Venezuelan folklore, with a rhythm from the east of the country, a Venezuelan merengue but in the oriental style. This is a composition by Bladimir Aguilera and is a jocular song. Like many of our popular songs, its lyrics are a simple excuse to make music, to cheer and dance.


Esta vez vuelvo con más del folclor venezolano, con un ritmo del oriente del país, un merengue venezolano pero al estilo oriental. Se trata de una composición de Bladimir Aguilera y es una canción jocosa. Como mucha de nuestras canciones populares, su letra es una simple excusa para hacer música, para alegrar y bailar.

Y esta es mi participación en el Hive Open Mic, semana 7.


Lyrics / Letras

The rooster

The rooster of my buddy
is a stubborn one
he loves the hens in the courtyard
also those on the other side

Oh, you rogue!
No one can't even stand it.

When you tie him up in the yard
he almost cries
my buddy feels sorry for him
then he release him again

Oh, you rooster, you scoundrel!
You can't be even tied up

Today, he died at dawn.
under a banana tree
my buddy loved him very much
he's going to make a stew with it

The cock died,
he killed himself!

El gallito

El gallo de mi compay
es un pollito porfiado
enamora las del patio
también las del otro lado

¡Ah gallito sinvergüenza!
No se puede ni aguantar.

Cuando lo amarra en el patio
casi se pone a llorar
mi compay se compadece
luego lo vuelve a soltar

¡Ah gallito, sinvergüenza!
No se puede ni amarrar

Hoy ha amanecido muerto
bajo una mata de topocho
mi compayy lo quiso mucho
con él va a hacer un sancocho

¡El gallito se murió,
el mismito se mató!



@ylich http://ylich.com https://sptfy.com/ylich

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Ylich como siempre rescatando estas piezas maravillosas de nuestra música, y no pueden faltar unas maticas al fondo, ahora si mi día está completo

Jajaja, este es un comentario realmente bonito!!!! Muchas gracias por pasar por acá, escuchar y dejar esa huella tan agradable aquí. :-D

Awwn, you got some nice voice and you play the guitar pretty well too

Wow, thank you. You're very kink! ;-)


Thanks for your amazing live music performance!

Another interesting song, I love your content. The music often reads as a grand metaphor

This performance has been cross-posted to the HiveStreet Community!
A virtual hub for street performers and live music on the Hive blockchain!


Thank you, once again! I appreciate your support :-)

Niceeeee man. Really liked it. I honestly had a weak point when it came to GUITAR but at some point I gave up lol. But I must say you nailed it on this one. Even though I didn't understand a single word but it was nice to feel the rhythm of it. Keep them coming mah man.

Hey, thank you for your nice words! It's a joy reading comments like yours :-D


Its lyrics are a simple excuse to make music, to cheer and dance.

Love it! Dude, you are flying in this song. Man, if I didn't have the lyrics translated for me, I might've imagined this song to be about a happy honeybee, zooming from flower to flower, drinking nectar and spreading pollen. :)

Thank you for joining in and enjoying Hive Open Mic

Lol. You have an extraordinary imagination. I hope you never lose it, because that's the key to living a full life.

Thanks, my friend. Keep doing such an awesome work!

Nice .. please visit my new Channel

Ese gallo es medio gozón

Jajaja, hasta después de muerto puso a otros a gozar! ;-)

A menos un buen sancocho de gallo.