I propose that we have a love of luxury, one of those that, in the clock of time, are scarce, an eternal fire that burns between our hands, a golden whisper in the breeze of calm days.
Let me undress you with velvet verses, paint your skin with caresses of soft hues, create a refuge in the glitter of the stars, where every glance is a gift of nuances.
Let us speak in languages the world does not understand, with gestures and silences, a secret language; where the touch of a finger speaks more than a thousand words, and an embrace, eternal, is all a decree.
In this unexpected journey full of gold, where time stands still, and the instant does not run out, I offer you a banquet of shared instants, a feast of promises, of floating dreams.
Love of luxuries, love that is priced, in artificial days, in sincere glances, an embrace that is worth more than a thousand treasures, a smile that shines among the summer trees.
Let's take the ephemeral and make it eternal, because in this uncertain and rare corner of the world, the greatest luxury is the time we give away, a love that shines, that is never forlorn.
We will live in the gold of the present, with the soul clothed in jewels of tenderness, and in every heartbeat, in every caress, we shall find, together, the most sublime madness.