Lend me a few hours, that's all I ask: a few precious minutes alone with you.
Let me make you fall in love with intense looks and the touch of suggestive hands, with caresses that awaken passion.
Let me conquer you, let me show you that you can achieve glory with me. Borrow me, like a gift from heaven, enjoy me, laugh with me, steal me a kiss, catch a star and decorate my hair with it.
Let's walk hand in hand, tie me to your waist, steal me a dance on the pavement, let's jump, let's play hide and seek. If you catch me, I'll give you kisses; if I catch you, I'll gently bite your neck.
And if, even with a few minutes left, I decide to make love to you, let yourself go. I just want to make you fall in love, give me your precious time, and I'll give you my whole life in return.