Sadness envelops me

in GEMS7 days ago



The years went by, and sadness envelops me, I recall that beautiful love story that I began slowly with you, but that my pride left unfinished, unfinished.

I loved you like no one else in this world, although I needed you to be full and happy, I never expressed it in words, I never showed the deep love I felt.

How many warm caresses turned icy, how many dreams fell asleep forever. I could have reached full happiness by your side, but my vain pride was greater than my feelings.

And now loneliness envelops me with longing, I'm here, consumed in lamentations Alone, sad, nostalgic and melancholic, longing for a past that wanted to be golden.

Regretting the past that could have blossomed but which my pride failed to cultivate. Regretful, I can only recall what could have been and wasn't because of my folly.

A soul torn apart by lost loves, undone among the laments of what no longer exists, among the ruins of a happiness that I myself destroyed with the insolence of believing myself superior to love.