Walk in my footsteps

in GEMSlast month



Take these travelling boots, eternal companions, living archives that treasure a thousand alternate lives. Wear their leather tanned by scorching suns, their soles ragged by a hundred paths of sweat.

Walking in my footsteps, you will feel the burning dunes that scorched my soles in arid dawns. You will climb the icy peaks that I have climbed, with their hurtful snows on my imprisoned foot.

These will forever bear the traces of my battles, the scars of wounds, failures and various victories. They will tell you of loves that burned like embers only to be extinguished in the loneliness of the streets.

You will hear the echoes of laughter that one day turned into tears, the regret of farewells, the absence of loved ones. But also the rebirth of hopeful dawns, the dreams that my boots helped to reach with their tread.

Wear these symbols of a life of exodus and return, of crossed borders and values that were my guide. Let them tell you the chronicle of triumphs and defeats, the epic they have forged in every crack and wear.

Join me in my wandering along paths already trodden, relive the journeys my boots have walked. Be for this brief trance my faithful walker, discover the mysteries of this wandering nomad.