Some benefits of celebrating birthdays for children

in GEMS2 years ago

Hello friends

Every year when birthdays come around, especially children's birthdays, they can be very stressful days if you want to organize a party for the celebration because of all that it implies, especially in terms of time and expenses. That is why in some cases you can choose to just have a small gathering with close family members, or include some friends as well, or simply not celebrate it in the traditional way.

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Some people may also take it as a day like any other where the celebration is not so important for various reasons. However, in this post I want to focus on the importance of celebrating birthdays especially in children, since last week my son turned 8 years old and I was able to make several reflections.

Although the day to day tasks can lead us to postpone the holidays, not to make them because the economic aspect influences greatly, the important thing is to encourage us and find a way to celebrate and make that date a very special memory.

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That is why today I want to show you some of the benefits of this celebration. When a birthday party is going to be held it is a good time to involve children in its organization since they can participate in many activities that will depend on their age, select the motif of the decoration, colors, sweets which helps to motivate them and encourage responsibility as it shows that being organized what is planned goes well.

The social aspect is also strengthened with birthday parties as it allows them to establish bonds of friendship, share with friends and family. Their self-esteem is boosted as they feel taken into account in the family, surrounded by joy, gifts, and enjoy pleasant moments.


It is also a good time to teach them to be grateful for all the people who surround them, love them and for the opportunity to share what they have.

The day of the birthday is a day that children look forward to with great excitement and seeing their happy faces, listening to their anecdotes of what they lived and shared, enjoying as a family watching the videos and photos are unique experiences.


Definitely birthday parties are moments that remain very engraved in the mind and in the heart so you should not miss the opportunity to celebrate another year of life with loved ones, see how they grow as a family, are moments that will not return so you have to enjoy them to the fullest additionally allow to strengthen the values.

Well friends, I say goodbye, thanks for reading!