I like these debates, hehehe. Let's see, step by step.
1 - First of all as an individual person and user of Hive, you have every right to express your opinions whatever they may be. So you are also fully entitled to upvote or downvote me as you see fit. There is nothing I can do about it and furthermore I agree that this is how it should be. So if in the end you decide that YOUR OPINION is that I deserve a downvote, then go ahead.
2 - Secondly, at no time have I said that I have knowledge or capacity as a financial advisor. Nor have I directly advised anyone to enter the business or make any type of investment. I have simply limited myself to exposing my results in the business, showing them that it has given me excellent results.
3 - Third, Ponzy schemes do not generate real profits. All payments are made with incoming money from new investments. Obviously as the payments get bigger and bigger, the capital inflow would have to be higher and higher to sustain the whole system and very soon it collapses.
Another thing is that a business with investors or that sells services fails because its business model proved to be not so good. That doesn't mean it's a scam, it just wasn't good enough. That happens daily with any legal company. Thousands of companies have gone bankrupt and investors have lost money or those who had bought services stop receiving them. That doesn't mean it's a Ponzy, they just fail.
Can the business I speak of fail? Of course, like anyone. No business is 100% safe, never have been and never will be. If you buy shares of any company and then it fails, you simply lose everything and it does not mean that they have scammed you, much less that their plan was to scam you from the beginning. That point of view is simply wrong.
However Trust Investing right now is stronger than ever and getting better. All their papers are in order and they have all the necessary documentation for the operations they carry out.
4 - Fourth, MLM systems are not new at all and they are not scam. It is just a way of doing marketing and it is very old. What Trust Investing does is 100% of the money from your purchase, it allocates 10% for your sponsor, another 30% is dedicated to payments by binary tree and the remaining 60% is dedicated to trader businesses. This 60% that they distribute among several professional traders who handle millions daily and who know more about markets than you and I surely make that money grow as much as they can. So far it gives them business without problems.
In addition, the company's commitment is to pay 200% of the value of your purchase at a daily rate of between 0.1% and 5%. In other words, they have a period of time to double your money between 1 and 100 months, depending of course on the daily earnings and the working days of each month. It just turns out that its historical average so far is between 16% and 18% per month.
Trust Investing has been in the public market for more than two years, has paid millions of dollars in profits to more than 800,000 users in more than 100 different countries and so far no one has lost a single penny of their money. I do not think it is fair that someone can say that it is a scam, but hey, to each his opinion.
At the end of the day, I have no way to prove with 100% certainty that the system is secure. I am just one more member. I only expose my results and the one that interests it can take advantage of it too. Anyone who is not interested can stand aside and watch me from behind as I go.
This has happened to many in my community. They criticized me at the beginning and called me a fool. Now they look for me to ask me what the business is like. And I kindly explain to them.
“Trust has been in the public market”
Not is has not, a public company has open financial and has to prove all transactions and expose it’s ledger. Their papers are not listed anywhere so they are in the private market.
“MLM is not ponzi” is a classic point by people that fell into the scheme, have you ever watched “The Office”? They have a great meme that explains it:
"Trust has been in the public market" That was not what I meant, of course it is not a public company that allows you to buy shares and stuff. I was referring to the fact that they have been selling service packages publicly for more than two years. Before that they were only with some private users for a year.
I stand by my opinion, the fact that some scams including the Ponzy scheme have structures like MLM, does not mean that all MLMs are scams. How many companies have been using MLM for a long time without problems?
It is true that so many bad things have happened that people are afraid of these things. But what's wrong with the pyramidal structure?. The problem is that they rob you, the structure they use is not to blame. The Egyptians must be turning in their tombs and cursing us, hehehe, speaking ill of their pyramids.
Even Binance and God knows how many thousands of companies use this system, that's not a problem. The problem is what the company does with the money you give to them. If they use it to generate more money, fine. If they use it to pay commissions and they do not generate more money, then bad and it is a scam that will fall soon.
But the referral system and pyramid structure are not to blame.
This platform uses 40% to pay for it to just keep working and supposedly the other 60% are responsible by an over 10% consistent return every month. Don’t you think it is a little bit too much like a ponzi?
I know, silly question, you are in profit, but just look at the numbers and see, what are the odds that someone that makes such a consistent growth “10% a month every month so far, over the 60% invested” not working for private funds and instead is recruiting promoters via MLM?… Just think about it… Keep those numbers in your head…
Why does a profitable public company, for example, continue to sell shares and accept more and more investments? Because they want to have even more profit I guess. I cannot answer for the motivations or internal mechanisms of the company.
And in a sense you are partly right, I'm not saying no. I repeat that I cannot assure you of anything. However, we cannot call everything that makes good profits a scam. 5% or 7% a year are centralized bank level earnings. That is simply theft, because that bank is making a lot more money just by having your money in it. And it's practically not giving you anything.
It cannot scare us when we find a business that gives higher profits. And beware that I am not talking about doubling or tripling your money in 15 days, that is clearly impossible.