Mis dias sin energia……...una calamidad.

in GEMS3 months ago


Para este dia Martes 26 de noviembre, paso la crisis de dos dias y dos noches sin energia electrica, pero lo mas cumbre fue, que la energia se fue en unas partes y en otras no.

El domingo 24 de noviembre, despues del mediodia, el clima estaba como raro, algo que no me gustaba mucho, porque cuando el tiempo esta asi, no pasan cosas buenas, aunque a veces no pasan, pero son mas las posibilidades de que si, que de no.

Si se revienta una guaya, una segunda fase la de media según me dijeron unos amigos cuando les explique cual fue la guaya, que asi como este caso, habian muchos mas en la ciudad, fuertes vientos derrumbaron arboles y cayeron sobre casas, como tambien varios tendidos electricos.


La cosa fue que al caerse esa fase, corrimos con tal mala suerte que algunas casas quedaron con la luz 110 muy baja, deficiente, iba y se venia, ante esto decidi bajar la brequera, asi no corria riesgo de que se me dañaran algunos equipos como la nevera, la luz 220 tampoco nada los protectores quedaban en rojo.

Total que esa primera noche la pasamos de terror, a pesar de que habia llovido, hacia calor, pero tocaba ni modo, pasar la noche asi, porque lloviendo era menos probable que llegara una unidad de la empresa electrica de la ciudad a reponer el daño.

No se cuando pero el sueño me vencio y cai dormida, mi celular estaba con poca carga tambien, lo apague. Nos despertamos el lunes mi hija porque iba a clases y yo debia preparar el desayuno. Hoy no saldria a nada, pendiente de la energia, esperar tambien a unas personas que estan haciendo unos trabajos en la casa, vino uno solo de ellos, que como requeria de energia, trabajo un rato y luego se fue.


Yo pase mayor parte del dia, la tarde sentada frente a la puerta del porche, que me pegara algo de brisa, luego fui a lavar algo de ropa, que me pondria el martes que si saldria.

Luego prepare la cena, saque una silla afuera al frente y sentarme hasta que me diera sueño, al menos no habia tiempo de lluvia, pegaba una brisa rica, que hasta sueño me daba, pero era muy temprano para meterme a la casa y soportar el caloron de adentro.

Habia dejado mi cel cargando en casa de la vecina que su energia si estaba bien, que bueno por un lado, ya que el internet funcionaba, ya que entre ellos y yo pagamos la fibra optica.

Ya no aguantaba mas el sueño no fuimos a dormir todos, pero antes nos dimos un baño, esa era otra situacion, quedaba poca agua en los tanques, sin energia no podia conectar la bomba.

No arreglaron nada este lunes, quedabamos para el martes, el pasar una noche sin energia, trasnocha, yo desperte a las 4:30 porque sono la alarma de mi hija, vi la hora en mi celular, me levante y me fui al porche donde abri las ventanas, entraba algo de brisa, medio dormia un rato, pero escuchaba y veia pasar transporte de algunas empresas, en eso escucho que mi hija me dice:Mama me quede dormida, son las 5:30, trasnochada de dormir mal, se fue a bañar, para preparase para ir a clases y yo hacer el desayuno.


Cuando estuvo lista fuimos a la parada y ahi seguia la guaya en el piso, que creo era peligroso asi, se fue mi hija, regrese a casa, a preparar desayuno para mi hijo y para mi que ibamos a salir tambien, que cuando lo hice, le pase a la vecina unas carnes, que ya estaban descongeladas, nos fuimos.


Cuando ya venia de regreso a casa, la vecina me escribe para decirme que ya habian reestablecido el servicio de energia, una buena noticia.

Muchos diran no fue tan gran cosa, pasar unas horas sin energia, cuando no pasa nada, que la quitan sin decir nada, que se vaya por algun desperfecto y salimos baratos, que no fue el transformador.

Otras ciudades en Venezuela estan en crisis aun mas graves de pasar una semana sin energia como el caso en la Isla de Margarita, tambien en Anzoategui, Zulia.

Fotos de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi celular Samsung Galaxy A12.

Traduccion con la App DeepL.

English Version


For this day, Tuesday November 26th, the crisis of two days and two nights without electricity happened, but the most important thing was that the power went out in some parts and not in others.

On Sunday, November 24, after noon, the weather was like strange, something that I did not like very much, because when the weather is like this, good things do not happen, although sometimes they do not happen, but there are more chances that they do, than not.

If a guaya bursts, a second phase of the medium according to some friends told me when I explained to them what the guaya was, that as well as this case, there were many more in the city, strong winds knocked down trees and fell on houses, as well as several power lines.


The thing was that when that phase fell, we ran with such bad luck that some houses were left with the light 110 very low, deficient, it went and came, before this I decided to lower the breaker, so I did not run the risk of damaging some equipment such as the refrigerator, the light 220 nothing either, the protectors remained in red.

That first night we had a terrible time, even though it had rained, it was hot, but we had to spend the night like that, because it was raining and it was less likely that a unit from the city's electric company would arrive to replace the damage.

I don't know when but sleep overcame me and I fell asleep, my cell phone was low too, I turned it off. We woke up on Monday because my daughter was going to school and I had to prepare breakfast. Today I was not going out for anything, pending the energy, also waiting for some people who are doing some work in the house, only one of them came, and as he required energy, he worked for a while and then left.


I spent most of the day, the afternoon sitting in front of the porch door, getting a breeze, then I went to wash some clothes, which I would wear on Tuesday when I would go out.

Then I prepared dinner, pulled a chair out front and sat down until I felt sleepy, at least there was no rainy weather, there was a nice breeze, it made me sleepy, but it was too early to go in the house and endure the heat inside.

I had left my cell phone charging at the neighbor's house, her energy was fine, which was good on one hand, since the internet was working, since between them and me we paid for the fiber optics.

I couldn't sleep anymore, we all went to sleep, but before we went to take a bath, that was another situation, there was little water left in the tanks, without energy I couldn't connect the pump.

They didn't fix anything this Monday, we had to wait for Tuesday, spending a night without energy, it was a nightmare, I woke up at 4:30 because my daughter's alarm went off, I saw the time on my cell phone, I got up and went to the porch where I opened the windows, some breeze came in, I half slept for a while, but I listened and saw some companies' transportation passing by, then I heard my daughter tell me: Mom I overslept, it's 5:30, late night from sleeping badly, she went to take a bath, to get ready to go to class and I made breakfast.


When she was ready we went to the bus stop and there was still the guaya on the floor, which I think was dangerous, my daughter left, I went back home, to prepare breakfast for my son and for me who was going to leave too, when I did, I gave the neighbor some meats, which were already thawed, we left.


When I was on my way back home, the neighbor wrote me to tell me that the power was back on, good news.

Many will say that it was not such a big deal, to spend a few hours without power, when nothing happens, that they take it away without saying anything, that it is because of a malfunction and we got off cheap, that it was not the transformer.

Other cities in Venezuela are in even more serious crisis of spending a week without power as in the case of Margarita Island, also in Anzoategui, Zulia.

Photos of my property, taken with my Samsung Galaxy A12 cell phone.

Translation with the App DeepL.

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