My Weekly Planning #1 | How to work towards building an audience?

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

Portada Weekly Planning.png
Image created on by @zoeanavid

      Hello, dear readers, welcome once again to my blog!

      Yesterday, after reading an amazing blog post titled «How to build and audience», by @themarkymark, I felt inspired to analyze, rethink and organize what I've been doing to build and improve both my blog and my audience. Then, because knowledge exists to be spread, I wanted to share with you Mark's great tips, my opinion on them and how I'm applying a few things to grow here on HIVE. I do hope this information is in any way useful to you, feel free to share with me your story in the comments below. Without further ado, here's today's post!

📷 by Free-Photos on

TheMarkyMark's 3 tips on how to build an audience

  • Offer value

Always offer value when you publish content. (...) To me, value is creating content that helps your reader by entertaining or educating.

  • Avoid self-centering

Everyone has an agenda and wants to promote something. (...) There are no problems publishing about your life and the things you are interested in and doing, but don't constantly ask your audience for things.

  • Respect attention

You must always respect your reader's time and attention. Neither are free or in high supply.

My opinion and how I've been applying them

📷 by Emma Matthews on

      Offering value to our readers begins with finding those things we are best at, or know most of; the things that no one can share for us and that makes us unique. For me, since writing is my deepest passion, creating stories from scratch and polishing them to cause a great impression in my readers is just pure bliss. Also, there's some knowledge and experience I've gained over the years that might be valuable for some who may have been in similar situations, and I wouldn't like to pass on the opportunity to help and support through words.

      To avoid being too self-centered and scaring potential fans and followers away, I try to put myself in other people' shoes. If what I enjoy the most is people reading and commenting on my content, why not take some quality time to do the same for someone else? We might spark a few smiles while doing it, just another cool reason to give some recognition to great authors.

      Now, to respect our readers' attention and time, we should really put some effort in making our content reader-friendly. Tools like Markdown and HTML for formatting the text and a lot of proofreading and editing are key to giving our content a shine that will attract followers and make them want to stay.

      This point in particular gave me the idea to start a Weekly Planning series, where I will be, first, telling you about what I did in my blog for the last week and what I plan on doing for the next week, and second but not last, sharing some valuable advice and tips on blogging and organizing your content, from other authors and from myself. I wanted to make My Weekly Planning in the form of carrying a notebook, where I will write my ideas in a kind of graphic, fun way. It is meant to showcase the posts written in the last week, as well as presenting some content I'll be publishing in the starting week. Therefore, here's My Weekly Planning #1!

Weekly Planning 1.jpg
Image by @zoeanavid

My final suggestion for you

      After reading this post, your mind might be overflowing with ideas for your own content, am I right? Well, that's amazing! And I would really like you to take some time to write them down and start planning and organizing. For me, if I don't find a way of ordering and assembling my thoughts, I go crazy. My mind is usually overactive, imagine when I have a new project. So, let's take a deep breath, and begin working towards the future!

      If you found yourself inspired as I did by TheMarkyMark's post, or even this one, I'd like to invite you to post your Weekly Planning as well. I'll be really glad to know your thoughts and projects! Please, use the tag #MyWeeklyPlanning and don't forget to mention me, so I can check your post 💜 I promise to give you some positive feedback and a Tweet share so others can join the conversation!

      I hope you enjoyed this post about how to work towards building an audience for your blog! 😄 Any questions, comments, or suggestions, see you in the section below ✅ Until next time!



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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:

Feedback from the last Hive Power Up Day

This is just amazing! Make a planning is the most difficult step but always brings excellent results to the work that we’re doing!

The first steps are difficult too, but I know that you’ll gain an awesome audience that will be pending of your content like I do because I’m your fan!

Keep making this awesome work baby! 🙌🏻

I always highly appreciate your comments 💜 Thanks for stopping by!

Wonderful idea, Zoe <3 I might try to join you, but I am fairly certain I will not be able to stick to any sort of plan right now 😂

But, this is a wonderfully presented post and I am excited to see what you have for us!

Hahaha I feel you! I'm trying to stick to it though, I know it can help me feel more calm and centered if I take some time to write things down. It would be lovely if you could join!

Thank you so much for the appreciation, I'm glad you enjoyed the post!

<3 you.

I will <3 soon, lo prometo

My mind is usually overactive

I can relate

I wrote this post between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. ... That's how overactive my mind is, I just couldn't sleep because the words were flowing and I had to write them down! We the overactive thinkers must find ways to not get too exhausted haha

CARD PAINTING! -- The Four Seasons. What are you up to?

I want to make a series of paintings in small cards, for a start there will be four of them, one for each season. To give you a privileged sneak peek, the concept behind the post is to remind ourselves of the passing of time, which is a beautiful thing that we must cherish and make the most of. In this troubled present, most of us may have lost track of the months. I certainly did and I need to get back on track with a few things! I'll explain a bit more in the post, stay tuned 😉

wonderful post