Bloggerschallenge day29/part1: what makes you feel better

in GEMS4 years ago

what makes you feel better

Every human being has what we call "weak point" likewise "point of Strength

For mw, getting better is something as heaven to me, as my everyday desire is to have peace of mind, not troubled in the mind and not cumbered with loads of thoughts.

Growing up has being really challenging and demanding, shoulder loads of responsibilities earlier than it should be, when I was supposed to grow skills, values and worth, I was busy trying to work and support the little family were doing.

Also, when there is an event in which I have to face the crowd and do major things, I get nervous.

I feel better at the end of an event or after a victory or a success.
However, the best time I feel better and best is when my mind is free of thoughts.


Thanks for reading
