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RE: Stuck in a tube - my yearly peek inside

in GEMS6 months ago

Your brother has it too, oh my. This disease must be genetic related, I know two mothers and their children who have it as well, so...
Well, my mom's currently taking Vedolizumab once a month to control the immunity, along with corticoids to treat the fistulas in the small intestines. And all sorts of vitamins, 'cause her absorption through food is very low.
What is your treatment, btw?


It's interesting how many people with similar diseases are prescribed different medications. I'm receiving Stelara, a biological medicine, and I must say, it's the first one that hasn't given me many side effects. After 12 years, I've finally found one that works. All the best wishes to your mom.

Oh, my mom also took Stelara in the beginning, when she hadn't had surgery. Actually she changed the biological, like, 3 or 4 times due to the surgeries (I think they stopped working after each surgery, something like that). They're all related, aren't they? All their names end in "mab" (Ustekinumab, Vedolizumab, etc etc).
All the best to you and your brother too! 🤗