Hello, good morning dear beehive, today I bring you this beautiful doll made with very few materials and very easy to make, I hope you like it and make it.

-foami o goma eva
-foami or eva rubber

Comenzaremos marcando un circulo en el carton que este sera la cabeza de nuestra muñeca para luego cortarlo(nos podemos ayudar con una tapa de cualquier cosa que tengamos en casa)
We will start by marking a circle on the cardboard that this will be the head of our doll and then cut it out(we can help each other with a lid of anything we have at home)

Luego agregaremos algodon y moldeamos hasta que nos quede toda la figura pareja , forraremos con tela para darle realismo y forma a la cabeza de la muñeca
Then we will add cotton and mold until we have the whole figure even, we will cover with fabric to give realism and shape to the doll's head

Una vez lista la carita , agarramos un pedazo de tela y rodeamos la cabeza para de esta manera realizar un bello turbante
Once the face is ready, we grab a piece of cloth and surround the head to make a beautiful turban

Cosemos para ajustar el turbante de esta manera quedara fijo ,y asi va tomando forma la cabezita, hacemos un lazito para decorar el turbante y lo cosemos
We sew to adjust the turban in this way it will be fixed, and thus the head is taking shape, we make a bow to decorate the turban and we sew it

Luego haremos el vestido , lo haremos doblando en forma triangular un pedazo de tela (varias veces) con la ayuda de la tijera , y daremos acabados en forma de media lunas en las puntas
Then we will make the dress, we will do it by folding a piece of fabric into a triangular shape (several times) with the help of the scissor, and we will finish the ends in the shape of half moons

Ya casi terminamos,solo agregaremos los ojos y la boca , y se reliza cortando pedazitos de foami o goma eva y pegandolos en la cara, ademas agregaremos lentejuelas en el vestido que le dara un aspecto muy adorable.
We are almost done, we will only add the eyes and the mouth, and it is done by cutting small pieces of foam or eva rubber and sticking them on the face, we will also add sequins on the dress that will give it a very adorable appearance.

Espero les haya gustado mucho ,hasta la proxima.
I hope you liked it a lot, until next time.
Traducido por: google traductor/Translated by: google translator
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