Improvised Sestina - Original Poetic Work

in The Writing Group3 years ago (edited)


I have never been disguised
in either hope or despair.
On this day
I'm untouched by damnation
and duty,
but I ask myself, does

duty return to despair
inevitably? Day
by day, damnation
seems determined in its duty.
It does
not do that we are all disguised.

Night consumes day,
another kind of damnation,
another kind of duty
that does
my head in, disguised
hope is again despair.

Damnation, damnation, damnation.
I forgot my duty.
Duty does
what duty does. Disguised
now, can I shun despair
night and day?

I doubt it. Duty
calls again. It does
around this time, disguised
as despair
again on this day
of damnation.

day to day
bring on this damnation
of a duty?