Lift me up

The first time I posted on Blockchain so much was expected from all it members, only after I few days I realize that Rome was not build in a day. most times lessons are learnt after mistakes are made and such was my case but, am looking forward to getting to the top in the near future, the first step to success was failure to me but acknowledging that failure is part of life I retreated and reform my strategies for the greater task and expectations people have on me. The journey so far is challenging such that after a post you could not tell if people view it or not but one thing is for sure that is, when the odds are against you take the chance and do better. I say to myself be strong and active because leadership can be learnt and not mostly inherited. the ladder to success is high and am short down here, how then do I claim up, these where my thoughts and only then did a great dude came to my aid who say young boy you have to be steadfast and patient for there is too many things you need to put in place before claiming the ladder and these things are necessary for the work to which you intend carrying out up there. Blockchain is the workshop and my work on it is to post reliable and intellectual write up that lessons can be deduce from, not only that but so many task as well. The ladder is all the challenges I have to overcome before my post can be accepted, noticed, commented on and even voted for by the community and members on the Blockchain while the dude is a friend who is carefully guiding my part so that I too can claim up the leaderboard.
everyone need to be lifted up by another person on Hive, ecency, and peakD etc for him or her to be famous, remember what goes around surly shall come around one day. A child is being guided and tutored before letting go off by the instructor, here on Blockchain we have to guild and tutor each other to grow to the top. One day tears of Joy will roll down your face in awe of how your little effort have transformed a life so dear in need. Building others is equivalent to self development only that the result is not felt instantly but rather it appears in it's due time.