I've seen a lot of users being too greedy and with the intention of farming the Chary token reward pool. They do nothing than posting non original charity work and the worst part is that they are spamming and voting all their comments. Please what is the plan to stop this to prevent the Chary community from charlatans/spammers @achimmertens.
I listed some of the spammers below;
The guy hakeem owns this account too; https://www.chary.org/@sarcasm1/comments
Hello @horpey,
thank you very much for your investigation.
I know about it, but I have not really a weapon for it.
The problem is:
Is it really spam or just a clumsy way of posting?
For example: hakeemshah96. At the beginning he posted obvesly pictures which where not from him (but I cannot proof that, it's just from my gut-feeling).
Now he posts lot of pictures and also videos from himself giving away some goods to needy people.
If that is fake and we cannot recognize it, then the whole chary system has failed.
We have no certification system here, that gives us 100% proof, that the money is not abused. (But can you be sure, that NGO can prohibit that?).
So what can we do?
We are a community. If you think, that hakeemsha96 and others are spammers, then downvote them.
Convince others to do the same. Give us proofs that he is faking.
If we manage to nurture the spammers, then Chary has a chance to survive.
If you have any other ideas, you are welcome.
And again: Thank you for bringing this up!
I'm not a spam, I just post original and trusted nonprofits and philanthropy sites and review for-profit sites that do good.
I agree but there few that I trust on chary and upvote them but I can't just wast my chary power so I self vote am I wrong?
The problem is there less trusted content to vote we need more original content
I'm not a spam, I just post original and trusted nonprofits and philanthropy sites and review for-profit sites that do good. @horpey @achimmertens