Angular Velocity Update:

in Game Dev 🕹️2 years ago

Screenshot from 2023-07-21 20-03-24.png

It's been a few months and a lot has changed since the announcement of the game Angular Velocity over on @v-entertainment's blog. For those that missed it Vague Entertainment has been renamed to Rhema Games and all games,assets,people,etc. have been moved over to the new company. We're hard at work on our first game Angular Velocity. An eSports game set in a hopeful future where players compete against each other in a game similar to Ultimate Frisbee, but in spaceships! (What everything in the future involves spaceships.)

Now that you're up to speed lets talk about the update!


Our art director @kalynflanagin had me hard a work revamping the UI/UX for the game favoring a more integrated approach that does more to tell the story of the game.

Screenshot from 2023-07-19 08-47-02.png
Somewhat working mock up

Now when you get ready to play you interface with the bay's computers where you select you ship, its modification, and type of game. At the end of the exchange (between you and the computer) the ship is brought up from the hanger ready to go.

Local Multiplayer

In local multiplayer modes the screen will jump from station to station (up to four) showing the progress of the other players.

Launch Sequence

Screenshot from 2023-08-08 22-39-51.png
Looks better with more ships tbh

Once all the players have been locked in and the final game settings have been set the stage loads behind the closed doors and when loaded the ships leave the bay in reverse order. Setting the mood while also give you something to look at while things are being setup. Future versions will have more to look of course.

In Game

Screenshot from 2023-08-18 08-26-59.png

The game world continues to get more complex and as you can see from the picture there is still a lot to do. The stands need texturing, the world outside the stands need to be fleshed out. The Sky Map (made by @kalynflanagin) looks good, but it's still very rough, even if the general idea is well expressed.

That's it for this update, feel free to comment below if you have any questions. I'll try to make these updates more often as I work on it most every night. Also feel free to follow @rhemagames here on Hive for official updates and release info on the game!