Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings.
I discussed about areca nut seeds - red betel nuts areca nut seeds which are very widely planted in Aceh.
Areca nut seeds have benefits, they can be sold for necessities, now areca nut seeds are very cheap now, if they sparkle, they are confused, now they are very cheap. If they are red, about 6,000 areca nut seeds, the red ones are sorted after they are sorted, then put in the oven and then roasted. about 12 tons in the oven, then put into sacks and then loaded into a car about 12 tons, then brought to Medan after arriving in Medan, then imported abroad. After arriving abroad, it can be processed for clothes dye.
Areca nut seeds can be made for dyeing clothes, they can be made for cakes, many are made for other things, then the patent ones can be split after being split, then dried for about 8 days after drying, then taken, put into the shop, after being put in the shop, then loaded into in the car.
If the white areca nut is split first after being split and then dried for about 7 days, many people work at the areca nut warehouse. Many women work to split areca nut. .
Many people plant areca nut in Aceh for hundreds of hectares of betel nut. If the cost of planting areca nut is 1,500 stems, living in this world is very difficult, if earning money is very difficult, sometimes people looking for money are very tired.
There is another hard betel nut, which costs around Rp. super stay sometimes super usually expensive.
Sometimes people work at the areca nut warehouse. My house is not far, about 200 meters, lots of children who split areca nut, lots of mothers who are allowed to betel nut. Sometimes there are men who split areca nut. some fit, some cover it, some work in the open. If the red ones are all red in the garden, now there aren't many betel nuts, the flowers are still small.
Areca nut is a very good one, it can be used for daily needs, if you don't have money, you can take it, sell it as you like, after selling it, you can buy it, buy rice, buy vegetables, buy fish, buy cooking oil. The year the areca nut is harvested is different in the mountains from the areca nut in the village. If it's about 3 meters up in the mountains, it's already bearing fruit.
Areca nut whose skin is dry can be stored for months. If you don't have money, it's split open after it's split below in a warehouse. it's very cheap, but it's okay for those who need daily necessities, they don't need it.
Sometimes I don't have money, I pick betel nuts, and then I take them to a place to buy betel nuts, they can buy rice, they pay for electricity. Basically, Pandawa, the poor, just don't be lazy. If you don't have money, go to the areca nut warehouse. I've been given money and bean sprouts at night when you hang out with a coffee shop, you have money to drink coffee, buy cigarettes, basically if you sit in a coffee shop, if you have money, you won't be stressed.
If red areca nuts are boiled, then after boiling for about 2 hours, in the afternoon they are dried for about 4 days, then they are shipped to Medan, then they are imported abroad. If there is no factory in Aceh, if there is a factory overseas, I can process clothes dye processed into cakes, basically a lot of it is processed abroad.
Areca nut is what people really need. Betel nut is a lot of people who plant it in gardens in villages on the mountain. Now many are planting on the mountain, everyone is healthy. Sometimes it takes about 8 months to bear fruit. there is a year and a half difference, in the mountains and in the village, I don't know the difference in the soil, sometimes it's not cared for, but the fruit is big enough, I haven't given fertilizer.
After you see the picture above, let's see the black and white picture, I hope you all like it.
I took a photo with my cell phone, the redmi A50, just here I say wabillahi Taufik hidayah assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
PHOTOGRAPHER | @madigpt |