dont worry, @sandiegocoin has funding from @hellotelos proposal system and if we show good work we will get some funding and as telos goes up from its ethereum bridge (and as peoepl see value of proposals) then we can printmore and more telos and haveit retain its value a speopel recoignize its value
then we will get hive proposals to ease up and give out money like telos does, make it a big free for all, ya know, u gotta get peopel excited and tickel their serotonin, hive is too nerdy for its own good and too anarcho
we need some basic alliances with weirdo red neck loyalists who ya know, wanna use hive to i dunno make teh south rise agaoin or i dunno make aprivate government YA JKNOW hwo it is lol GENBERAL LARIMER HAS RALLIED THE TROOPS AT FORT DUMPSTER
lol they dont need secrecy let them stand up and be counted on the chain lololol by the feds lol