My Cleaning Activity For Wednesday, the 29th of May, 2024.

in CLEAN PLANET6 months ago (edited)

Good day, fellow hivers, welcome to my blog. I have been down with malaria for some days now, this has made it difficult for me to post my cleaning activities.

I tried to carry out my activities but I was so weak that I couldn't post it.

I now saw the essence of cleaning our planet. When we clean our environment, it helps to keep everyone from sicknesses and diseases.

The commonly disposed wastes in my community include plastic bottles, beverage cans, food waste, and plastic bags. Barrels,old tires, empty bottles and trash cans tend to collect rainwater extremely well and water is needed for every stage of the mosquito breeding process. If you deprive the mosquitoes of water, they will be unable to breed.

Mosquitoes will be attracted to these garbage. In addition, garbage cans tend to pool small amounts of water either from rain or the trash itself, which mosquitoes are particularly attracted to. Mosquitoes thrive in dark and damp environments. The best way to prevent an infestation is to prevent standing water from accumulating in your garbage can. In addition, removing your garbage can from your house is a good idea whenever possible. Mosquitos can be prevented by storing your can away from the house or even under a blanket to prevent rain accumulation and disposing wastes off correctly.

These pictures show how I carried out my cleaning activity.

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