Hello @cleanplanet @cleanplanet
I noticed that I was muted in the CLEANPLANEt community.
Probably it might be due to the issue I have with hivewatcher 1 month ago but I want to let you know that I have successfully finished my 1 month appeal concerning that issue and I am finally clear free by the @hivewatchers
I want to continue posting back in the community but I discovered I was muted in the community. Please I humbly request that I am unmuted so that I can continue posting in the community and doing what I love doing most.
Thank you as I await your response @cleanplanet @nwothini335
Hello @adese
Send your appeal to the clean planet appeal discord server.
Mention nwothini335.
I have done that just now but the username @nwothini335 is not displaying in the discord server