There is no alternative to water to quench thirst in summer.Only a thirsty person will understand the value of a glass of water.Water not only quenches thirst it has many health benefits.There is no alternative to drinking water to increase digestion.Those who are overweight can lose weight by drinking water.It is also good to drink water every morning on an empty stomach.We read in books that another name for water is life.Although humans can live for a long time without food, they cannot live a day without water.
And various types of drinks are made from this water, which we drink to quench our thirst.A thirsty person will never be able to resist the temptation of a drink made with water.Only a thirsty person can understand how delicious cold sorbet is.I am discussing this cold sherbet today because today I am a victim myself.Today I was very thirsty myself and a glass of sherbet became a heavenly taste for me.I've been thirsty all day today and I felt like I really needed a glass of cold sherbet.
It is the month of Ramadan for Muslims and I am a girl from a Muslim family. We fast for the month of Ramadan.It is sunny all day like in summer and fasting in this sunlight is challenging.It was hot outside today, and on this day I just felt like having a cold glass of water or a glass of cold sherbet.On this hot day, I realized how valuable a glass of cold water or a glass of sorbet is.Today our iftar time was at 6:13 PM. I just waited for iftar to quench my thirst.Before that, I had completed all the household chores during the day with a thirsty body.Today when I made and drank orange-flavored tang, lemon, and sugar sherbet during iftar, it felt like a heavenly taste.Yes I tasted heavenly during Iftar.
So I understand the pain of a thirsty person.The best food for thirsty people is definitely water or cold sherbet.Water and cold sherbet are very beneficial for our human body so try to consume them.
Earlier, I completed the important tasks of the day while fasting.One of the important tasks was cleaning the garbage from a tree garden.Yes today I cleaned the garbage from a tree garden.The pictures below show the scene of cleaning a tree garden.
I thanks to @cleanplanet for creating this great initiative because today we are motivated to save our surrounding trees garden.Thank you so much for visiting my Clean Planet blog.Have a wonderful day.