Good morning everyone.Today I joined you in the morning because today I woke up early in the morning and completed all the housework.After completing the housework, I walked through our surroundings to see some summer scenes.Let's see what those summer scenes are.In fact the trees around us are signaling the arrival of summer.
The main attraction of summer in our country is the arrival of some local fruits.The two most famous fruits of Bangladesh are mango and jackfruit.These two fruits are very familiar and popular among the people of Bangladesh.Jackfruit is the national fruit and mango is the king of fruits.The arrival of these two fruits on the trees means that summer is on the horizon.This morning I went out to see these scenes.
I am very happy that our own mango trees have many buds.Also, around our environment, there are many mango buds and small mangoes are coming out.Jackfruit is appearing on the trees and it is bringing the message of summer in full force.I really enjoy summer mornings because at this time the trees smell of various fruits and the sweet calls of birds can be heard.This morning was a very enjoyable morning for me as I observed my surroundings on this quiet morning.
Looking at the morning scenes, it seemed like summer had fully arrived.However I was very happy to see mango buds and small jackfruits on the trees and this morning I got a taste of summer.I walked around to see these morning scenes.At this time, the green nature created by the Creator around us grows, so we should also work to protect that green nature. At this time, the beauty around increases, so we should pay attention to that beauty.We should take care that the natural beauty is not spoiled in any way.
The weather is changing completely and the new season is bringing the message so let us protect the trees around us because the juicy fruits of summer will arrive on the trees.Let us save the trees and green nature around us.This morning when I was out doing summer observations, I picked up the trash lying around.I walked around our natural ecological spaces and picked up the trash lying around.It is our duty to protect these summer beauties around us, so let us protect the beauty around us and enjoy the juicy fruits of summer in the future.
The shared images below show scenes of protecting environmental natural places.
I thanks to @cleanplanet for creating this great initiative because today we are motivated to save our environmental natural places.Thank you so much for visiting my Clean Planet blog.Have a wonderful day.
Currently, mango and mango trees are in bloom and will bear good fruit in a few days. Wishing you a very beautiful summer morning.