We decided to preserve the green spaces of the environment // CLEANPLANET
We all know what environment is.The name of the environment is the place where everyone lives together.Again the places surrounded by various green nature and trees are also the environment.It is natural that there will be natural spaces and green nature in an environment.It is natural that there will be different types of trees and gardens in an environment. It is natural that we will cultivate vegetables in an environment.However to protect the environment from pollution, collective efforts must be made.We must remember that the environment is our main place of residence.If the environment is dirty, then we will get sick.Now you have to decide whether you will stay healthy.
To stay healthy, you must keep your environment healthy.At least once a day, you should look at your environment.Look at me, I am constantly working to protect the environment.Our environment has a lot of green nature and vegetable gardens so I try to protect those places in my environment.Today Tuesday on February 25th, I made an effort to protect the natural spaces of our environment, which I share here.However other people in our environment have expressed interest in working to protect the environment.
Of course this planet needs more environmentalists who love nature.A person who loves nature will never harm nature and the environment.This planet needs a true environmentalist because he will take care of it.It is very important to take care of the planet because this planet is the best gift from the creator. It is the best place to live, so we must make the utmost effort to protect the planet. You and I all cultivate different types of vegetables in our environment which need to be preserved. Vegetable gardens must be protected from plastic.
Every environment needs to have a bunch of greenery because they enhance the beauty of the environment and keep the environment cool.Never destroy greenery, try to preserve it more.We know that everyone creates different types of gardens in different environments to grow vegetables, but those vegetable gardens must be protected from harmful substances so that you can collect the best vegetables from those gardens.
Look at me, today I tried to remove polluted garbage and plastic waste from natural places in our environment, such as green nature and vegetable gardens.If we ignore the large amount of waste trapped in the soil of the environment, diseases will spread from there into our environment so immediately take action to protect the environment.This afternoon was very beautiful and this afternoon I visited the natural places in our environment and cleaned up the garbage stuck there.
The photos below show moments of protecting the natural space of the environment on Tuesday afternoon, February 25th.
I thanks to @cleanplanet for creating this great initiative because today we are motivated to save our environment.Thank you so much for visiting my Clean Planet blog.Have a wonderful day.