|| Clean planet- 574 ||Today I have come to a natural place to clean up garbage

in CLEAN PLANET22 days ago

Hello friends, welcome to my blog. Have a nice day. Today I have come to a very natural place. Because it is our duty to save natural places. Because we have to keep our planet green. That is why today I have come to a farm a little away from my house. Where there are many plants around, which are very beautiful. From where it is very important for us to clean the garbage. We have to make every possible effort from our side to save our planet. Everyone comes to the green place. And brings something to eat with them. Most of the people bring wafers with them which are in plastic. After eating the wafer, those people throw the plastic here and there and go away. Due to which you can see garbage at this place. I have seen many people who make such mistakes, I have explained to those people. Some of them have understood but some people have not understood yet. I am trying to make them understand somehow.

Today is the era where whatever we need to take, we get it in a plastic bag, and this kind of bag is such that it is used only once and after that it is thrown away, and you can also see that this kind of bag causes so much harm to our planet today. Wherever we look, we see this kind of bag, and day by day its quantity is increasing. It is very difficult to stop it, I have seen that there are very few countries that have banned this kind of bag. But there are some countries where it is still used today.

Today in every city you will see a mountain which is made by humans. And very soon we are going to be successful in making a mountain like the Himalayas. Because every day a mountain is being made. If we unite all the plastic mountains then we will succeed in making a mountain like the Himalayas.

Today we have to come together to stop the spread of plastic, we have to make some rules of our own. By which we have to stop the use of plastic, so whenever we have to buy anything, we will first use a cotton bag. And we will not buy any plastic item. Only then we can stop the use of plastic to some extent.

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This is a very beautiful video because saving nature from garbage is a very important issue.

Another good work day and I love this neat video of yours. Keep up these good works.

Very good job brother, it's nice to see you doing this.