Clean planet-226 | 15/ 9 / 2023 | It's a nice view today

in CLEAN PLANETlast year

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Hello friends, welcome to my 3Speak vlog. I woke up very early today. And I was going from work with my friend when I saw a lot of plastic bags lying on the way from where I was going. Which I have cleared from there. Because a lot of people come and go from here. This is why there is garbage lying here. And this place is very natural, here you will get to see trees etc.

Thank you for :
@solarisfuture @cleanplanet @cleanyourcity

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You are doing a good job.

I can see some houses behind the trees. Anyway, this work is good because you are going close to nature as well and you are getting a chance to serve the earth. keep it up.

The place looks good and it certainly deserves to be clean because whenever somebody visit the place should not be feeling bad and even the cleanliness is highly important. thanks for doing the great work to make this place clean.