I'm happy that today being my first day of school resumption, I was still able to carry out my cleaning activity for the day.
Good day happy friends of the #cleanplanet community. It's been great weeks staying at home and now school has finally started again 🌝.
I didn't have plans to go to school today but with the early notice that we had lectures this morning, I had to leave for school as early as possible.
Here are the photos of my cleaning activity for today:
For today's cleaning activity, I did it as usual. I left home as planned with my cleaning activity materials, my trash bag, can and gloves. I picked up several trash into the picking bag until it got filled.
Finally after making sure I cleaned up the street, I headed down to properly dispose of the trash bag containing the gathered waste into the trash can. One can't brag of cleaning activity without making sure the gathered trash is properly disposed of.
Throughout this holiday period, I can see that I've been consistent with my cleaning activity and I pray that school runs won't make me slag.
Thanks friends for stopping by. That would be all for my cleaning activity today, enjoy your day!!!
Excellent post 🙌