I would have made mention of athletes as my favourite sport but as I grew much older and my muscles could no longer carry me like before which is obviously my fault as I no longer exercise and practice like I used to before, I now find pleasure in skipping. Skipping is that one sport am delighted to do at any point in time right from my early school days. It looks easy but I bet it isn't the continuous jumping of ropes especially when you are competing with others and your team counts on you to win the medal for them.
If there's anyone that made me evenly fall in love with skipping, then its none other than my highschool. My school is so in love with inter house sports so as to encourage students to take body fitness serious for health sake and till I left highschool for the three times I participated for the competition, I will say am very proud of myself cause I have being the one representing yellow house which happens to be the color of my sport wear when it comes to skipping competition and I never disappoint. Although it's not my kind of thing to represent when it comes to competition cause of the fear of failure, a million and one thoughts 💭 running through my mind; what if I fail? What if my mates laughs at me? What if,what if and like that but kudos to my teacher who brought out the courageous me and that was when I said in a competition it's either you lose or win but I choose to always win.
Till date, am still in love with this skipping of a thing and I have try as much as possible to exhibit different skills like skipping with two to three other skippers, the criss cross and a lot more.
Some important fact of skipping is that it helps to burn calories which helps in weight loss reduction, a great cardio workout which reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, also helps one gain stamina and many more. Lastly have come to love skipping although it requires energy but not so much like other sports demands, easy to do even from the comfort of my home as all I need is just my lovely skipping rope I can also improvise when my rope is not with me at the moment by using a random available rope within my reach and again the health benefits to me especially now that I am looking for a way to reduce weight. 😀
I also did my cleaning for today 10 February and it was fun cleaning my environment as a clean environment equals to peace of mind and germs free life. 😊
contest announcement to participate.This post was inspired by #cleanplanet @nwothini335 and my entry to the monthly prompts #Februaryinleo for day 8 favorite sport? Click
All other photos used are mine.
Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️
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I remember when i was still in primary school, i always struggle to be in red house because red is my favourite color. Haha. I really miss inter-house sports.
Skipping is one sport I was not able to learn now matter how hard I tried. I don't know why.
It's nice that you actually know how to do it.