My work

in CLEAN PLANET11 days ago

hi guys good day all how are you guys doing how you are doing great today,welcome to my today's blog and my today exercise,hope your guys slept well last night and hope your mid week is good too...

it's another day to thank God for life cause he deserves to be praised in my life,in every thing I do God always sees me through he don't allow anything harm me nor my family,I know and I believe that knowing Jesus pays....

it a good day like others,thee cloud was so beautiful to watch the clouds transform from night to day and especially when the sun starts coming out it brings a beautiful moment,which which I could be watching the sun rise everyday.its just a unforgettable memory..

today was good like very good,I woke up prayed and ready to bush my day and hold the bull by his horn of there's any need to,I brushed my teeth and set eat my food and set some fire to process some red oil,many people don't know how to do it manually they only know about the machine that do the processing for them,well we here atimes we uses our hands to process and it the best of all even good that the one process by the machines..

so here are the process__afyer cooking your palm nut for a very long time like 1 hour depending on the quantity and the fire level,after cooking you use your molter and pound it still it turns very red,then you select the palm carnel from the shaft you are going to be fast doing this one cause when it get cool you oil will not come out...

after that you use you hand and press the shaft to give you your oil by joining your hands together just as if you're rubbing your cream on your hands before rubbing on your body,then you have your oil and then you wash every shaft and the carnel make sure the water is cold and not too thick, to cook and get your oil also,you see very easy,after processing my oil I was ready to take my bath,then my eyes was fill with my surroundings look so I decided to do some cleaning before taking my bath,here are some pictures of my today's cleaning exercise.....





