Cleaning up garbage is very important

in CLEAN PLANET19 days ago

I would love to pose a question at the start of my post today. If you lived in a neighborhood with a lot of hotels, bars, and clubhouses, how would you feel? Furthermore, you have a dog at home that never stops barking. I sometimes wish weekends would never arrive, but then I recall how demanding every school day is, so I change my mind.The dog's barking woke me up when I attempted to nap this afternoon, and the loud background music continued to hammer me. All I needed to do was consider where to go. However, after realizing that I hadn't finished my cleaning task for the day, I made the decision to get the trash bag and go outside to pick up some trash.










At least I left home without being bothered by loud music and barking dogs, and I also performed a good deed by cleaning the street and making it attractive enough for people to stand by and take a few pictures.Let's now discuss how I enabled this cleaning project.
After using my picking bag to collect a lot of trash, I went home and disposed of it at the location where we frequently collect trash before it is removed.One of my accomplishments this month, in my opinion, has been my dedication to hive and my constancy in publishing. This new year, I had the opportunity to visit a lot of communities on Hive, including the Clean Planet Community.