In addition to safeguarding the environment, we also need to protect the agricultural land.

in CLEAN PLANET5 days ago

I'm going to tell you about another unique experience today. I'm hoping you'll support my various endeavors today. One of my different experiences today is clearing the crop fields. Today I cleaned the crop land of our village with great interest. In essence, our nation's economic crops are mustard plants, even though there are more of them on the ground presently.









Therefore, we must safeguard these profitable crops. My primary point for today is that we need to take action to protect agriculture in addition to the environment. Since I've joined the Planet Clean Community, it is my responsibility to clear the area of any trash or pollution. The environment and walking trails need to be free of trash if we want to preserve it.

Our nation's agriculture provides 60% of our food needs, with the remaining 40% coming from exports. Therefore, we value this cropland much and recognize its significance. This nation's farmers put in a lot of effort to prepare a piece of land and sow grain seeds there. I appreciate them since they go through a lot of hardship. Ultimately, though, we find serenity when we see the ground covered in crops.

For instance, it is currently winter, and the only crop grown in the fields during this time of year is mustard. Did you know that this mustard is our most profitable crop and that it is used to make oil? A lot of people visit the fields to take pictures and appreciate the beauty of the mustard blooms. Numerous individuals