Trying to know the harm we cause with a single action

in CLEAN PLANETyesterday

Hello my planet friends,

It's with a pleasure that i come today, i have been off for few days because i have been busy trying to take good care of myself doesn't mean i don't know what part to play in saving our dear planet earth from the danger it's being exposed on daily by the inconsiderate activities of waste means.

Just few days ago i saw a friend dispose her waste in a sewage. Whe she was approached and held for fine payment she said that was the only easy and option she had at that moment.

I do not understand why fine payment will be attached to wrongly disposed trash in the wrong place if it has no negative effect on the planet. It's unfortunate that no matter how we try to make sure that this place is safe for us to stay. It seems unachievable. That's because we have people like the above person. Easy people, humans that don't want stress. They just want everything they to be easy like the food the put in their that's if it is, there by causing us harm we might end up to cry about.

@cleanplanet @solarisfuture @cleanyourcity