House rent

in CLEAN PLANET23 hours ago

House rent has been another kind of problem altogether.
The way people are suffering now just to pay their house rent is now an alarming case.

And the landlords and landlady's are not helping matters .
The way the house rents are being increase year by year is becoming a serious matter ,they forget that this people are also people with other responsibilities like "family responsibility and children matters "
Is true that the landlords are also trying but let them be considerate sometimes though some tenant are trouble makers but it does not warrant treating all tenants the same way.

Why i am saying this is because i witness a tenant been trouble by his landlord and i really felt for the woman seriously...

To me i will say government should look into the price of house rent and place a fixed price for each and every type of building with this i believe the house rent will be somehow controlled and this should be done by considering both the tenants and landlords so that no one will feel cheated...

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