My cleaning activity on 4th jan 2025

in CLEAN PLANET18 days ago

Hey people today is the day we hit the road back to our work homes , thise from enugu will move first and then the aba people will follow suit which is sad because we had a fun Christmas and happy everyone crossed over and who knows when next we will see our selves well atkeast am happy every one was present for the event.. What i noticed is that people who have tank can't even pump water which got me asking is it that the ground is dry or the sumo wasn't fixed cus ours is yhe piping of the house was not done well there by cus water to leak out during pumping.
So yeah i can say i succeeded ggs in making friends in this village , it was one out bvshh of the many things i said i would do here , the first girl is comfort who has been asking me my work , she doesn't want to believe am a bbshs blogger or hiver she just doesn't believe comfort is the daughter of a rich man and therefore always busy and hardly comes out and despite that i ended up becoming friends with her , very good friends with her tho that bsb sh she has been asking me to come over but , well as u know people that's a risk we don't want to take. Am going to talk about the hhsg s second girl tomorrow, here is my cold morning clean planet activity for today gosh the weather here is madd, but that won't stop me from cleaning my environment have a good day people.