Hello everyone and hello to my @cleanplanet community. I hope everyone of you is doing great. Today it was friday so I went for the cleanplanet mission at one of the most beautiful place called Dem area. People from long distances come to this place for enjoyment. Some of them come with their families and some of them come with their friends. They bring snacks, cold drinks and whatever they are interested in they bring it there and enjoy their evenings with their friends and families.
I noticed one thing in all of them that they eat and drink but most of them they throw the garbages on the roads that is really heartbreaking. If we love some place we must focus to always make that place neat and clean because we spent our time their so it must be cleaned. I visited this area alone so I started cleaning the area, I gathered all the garbages in the plastic which I carried with myself. To be honest, I feel really happy because I gave my best to clean that specific area and in last when I saw that area first it look dirty but in the last it was cleaned.
Thank u so much @cleanplanet for this wonderful opportunity.
Yes bro you are right, we have to make our favorite places clean and neat, because it is very important for us that these places are clean.