It is generally beneficial for people to have some good people in our society. However, most of them are not respected in their society. It is natural that people do not accept good people well. If a bad person scares other people, people tolerate it, but if a good person says something good, they do not tolerate it. The saying that people are brainwashed is true for those who basically cannot see good people.
There are some people in our village who are very good and we see them helping us in any kind of trouble or any kind of work. Although some of their families are from high castes and some from low castes. Still, there is no arrogance in them. They come forward to help people in any event or anywhere. At the end of the day, it is seen that they are neglected. Especially in our area, there are many unemployed people who usually help people in various ways, but we see them with neglect. At the end of the day, they are not given priority by us, but we give priority to those who do not help us. We have to change this mentality, if we want to survive in society, we have to feel their need. But the fact that they are unemployed is one of their qualities. Today, you always find them by your side because they are unemployed.
I cleaned a place in my area today. There were a lot of plastic items there. However, I clean them very well and throw them in the dustbin. I hope you like this post of mine.
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