At 1 o'clock in the night, I first went to play cricket box and then finished the Clean Planet project.

in CLEAN PLANET3 months ago

Woke up today morning at around 7 o'clock. The first thing I had to do was go to the gym, so I got up early in the morning. Then I and he went to the gym with my friend. After that, friends, we exercised and at around 10 o'clock we both came to our home. I came home, took a bath, then drank tea and left for office. When I reached the office, the boss called me and made me sit for the excel sheet because the boss is going to America tomorrow for a business meeting, so he gave me the work. Then I started doing my work. It took me a lot of time to do this work.

It's 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I went to eat, then friends, I thought of working for Clean Planet, but friends, there was a lot of work, so after finishing the meal, I went straight to office work. Then many of my friends planned to go play cricket after leaving office but I had to work for Clean Planet but immediately after office I had to go to play cricket.


Then we first went to play cricket box, we went there at 1 o'clock in the night, I thought that today I will not be able to work on Clean Planet because friends, it was too much time. Then everyone left from there to return home. Then we came out towards our house but I thought of working on the Clean Planet project, so I turned my car around and came to the place where I had dumped the garbage. Completed the Clean Planet project.

@solarisfuture @cleanplanet @cleanyourcity

Thank you