My Clean Planet Activity For 26th Day of November||Reduction of outdoor activities can help survive harmattan period.

in CLEAN PLANET3 months ago

I want to use this medium to greet all great Hivers. How has been your day so far, hope you are all doing good? I'm positive minded that it's all well and fine.

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One of the ways to stay healthy during harmattan period is timing your activities. Timing during harmattan period can help you survive and stay healthy during this trying time. Harmattan period is trying period for those people with health issues, health issues like pneumonia, asthma,lung infection and many other ones. Then back to timing your activities maybe for the day or for the week. This timing does only advisable to only people with health issues but for those who are healthy because untimely flu that may occur during Harmattan period.

This timing of activities should something that should be scheduled, meaning it's not the time you go out at anytime you feel like. So reduce your activities, your activities must attract timing, like you know when to go out and when to stay indoors. The harmattan period hits mostly in the morning and in the late in the night. Your activities can be scheduled at around afternoon or evening time and if at all you have to go out during these weird hours, make sure all precautions are met; like covering your hairs, covering your nose, covering your body, putting on socks etc.

That's the advantages of timing yourself during Harmattan period. Staying indoors give you the chance to survive any dangers that might be attached to Harmattan hazard. Most of of of the time why we go out is to get stocks that we need indoors, these stocks can be gotten at once so there won't be need to out at all time.

Thanks for stopping by to view my blog. Please do have a wonderful day ahead.@peterale cares🤭

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