My Cleaning Exercise Activity for today #1

in CLEAN PLANETyesterday

My Dear Wonderful friends over here in Hive, Good Evening!

I know that today was so amazing for you all because it was as of my case. I didn't stress myself out that much to go to school neither did I have to prepare to go to school as well as I usually do.

My school has made it mandatory for us to attend schools on Saturdays as lessons just for exam classes alone. But I decided to go a little late today. I had no other thing to do than to keep thinking about the things that we have to learn there in school. Yeah, when we had free periods, I used them to remember areas where I messed up and areas where I needed to have done more while being in schoo. Well sha, the past would always remain the past and so would the present that we are in now.

Yes, I was home in the evening and I usually do the cleaning activity in the evening. So I went out and participated in the exercise;












I love and appreciate the privilege and opportunity to keep cleaning and sanitizing the environment. It is really an honourable thing

You friends too are appreciated by me as well. Thank you dearly friends.@cleanplanet and it's associates are to be thanked as well, as they helped me to know that I need to keep cleaning and keeping everywhere neat.