Friends I want to ask you a question and that is, are you getting enough sleep? No matter how busy you are in real life, you need to get enough sleep.Without a doubt, your body will be bad if you sleep too little. If you don't get enough sleep, it is definitely very dangerous for your body.Don't just chase money, you need rest first.Remember you can only work if you are healthy.If we are sick we will not be able to do any work and will not be able to concentrate on work.So first and foremost, mental health and brain health are important.And your brain and mind will be healthy if you get enough sleep.
Look I'm saying this from my own experience.I exercise every day to keep my body fit, but I can get sick if I don't get enough sleep.My main source of exercise is walking in the morning.Yes this is how I try to keep my body fit.But here I need enough sleep. I have been very sick for a few days due to lack of enough sleep. Since the month of Ramadan has come, I have been getting less and less adequate sleep.During Ramadan, I have to wake up at 3 am every day to cook and eat Sehri after cooking.It takes me 5:30 am to complete all the work.Although I fall asleep at 5:30 am, I have to wake up again between 7 and 8 am.Yes I am feeling a little sick due to lack of sleep.
But I hope this problem will be resolved very soon, because there are only 13 days left until the end of Ramadan.Even though I am sick, I respect this month of Ramadan the most because it is our best month.Allah has gifted us with a good month and I am very happy to observe the fast in this month.But from my experience, I want to give you the message of sleep. I have realized that if you don't get enough sleep, your body will get worse.I am fasting as per the command of God and am getting less sleep.But there are many of us who are staying up at night for no reason and fiddling with our Android mobiles, which is very bad.My message today is for them.
I would like to tell you that try to sleep at least 8 hours every day so that you feel fresh.You should get enough sleep despite your busy schedule.You should get enough sleep at night and wake up in the morning for a walk in nature.If you wake up every morning and walk through nature, your brain will be refreshed and your mind will be refreshed.So I would advise you to get enough sleep every night.I would you also suggest waking up in the morning and taking a walk through nature.My schedule has changed a bit due to the month of Ramadan.In addition, I try to get enough sleep every night and wake up in the morning to walk through nature.
I try to do something more every morning by walking through nature or the environment, and that is to clean up our planet.Cleaning up the planet is a great thing to do and every person should participate in this work.I am responsible for cleaning up trash from the environment and nature around us, so you too can come here and join in.If you come forward to protect the nature and environment around us then I will certainly appreciate you.The photos shared below bear witness to the cleaning of polluted plastic and cigarette butts from the environment on March 18th.
Thanks everyone, have a nice day.Thanks to @cleanplanet