Ecological orientation a lifetime of research for humanity

Universities in general represent one of the most important segments in developing countries, since their fundamental mission is to strengthen the transcendental values of man in the different currents of universal thought through higher education, intellectual contribution and the scaling of development.

▶ Credits: Tum – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ Credits: conserve-energy – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ And on the other hand, the consequences that generate the use and abuse of them, threatening the agro-food security of the communities, in a very similar way the constitutional framework of hundreds of sovereign states.

These legal frameworks clearly establish, among other aspects, the obligation of the state to promote sustainable agriculture, in order to guarantee the sovereignty and food security of the population and that the state will ensure the sustainable management of agricultural lands to ensure their agrifood potential.

Hence the need to seek the enhancement of the use of an organic fertilizer by purchasing it with a chemical fertilizer, where it will be based on a previous soil analysis, to observe physical-chemical characteristics that allow comparing the performance of both fertilizers.

Starting with the above described, and through the absorption of nutrients applied to the crops, it will be possible to obtain more specific aspects, among these the evaluation of the photosynthetic capacity of the trees subjected to the study.

▶ Credits: Open.maricopa – [Image of Public Domain]

The main objective of studying the binomial involving university research centers in relation to the ecology of human development is to understand the system's capacity for formation depending on the existence of its social, participatory and communicative interconnections, also taking into consideration the changes in the environment or social role of research centers as university organizations.

NOTE: Reference material.

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