Hey everyone, trying to start a new business isn't for the faint hearted right. I have done so many times and to date and based on recently tougher times failed so far. I was once told that successful entrepreneurs fail their way to the top, here's to hoping that works I guess. Anyways my new business commercial mealworm and organic plant food growing holds great promise!
My 12 odd super hot chilli plants are coming along real well, some have bug sh!t some have electroculture aerials and some have both what an interesting adventure it's been so far.
Those rich deep green leaves do tell a tale of health and vitality, the combination of mealworm fras which we have aptly named bugsh!t seems to be working very well indeed, is this the secret combination for soil based growing, it would appear so.
Buying chillis from local growers and the amount of hybrid super hot peppers on the market is truly astounding and mostly what folks are selling don't appear to be what they have advertised. I purchased my biggest plant as a Carolina reaper, sadly it turns out it isn't a reaper, it's definitely a super hot which can be seen by the rounder leaves and gnarly fruit skin, tail-less so more then likely a ghost pepper?
I purchased what was labeled as Chocolate Reapers. Hoping they are, as I have never grown those before, this could be an interesting outcome and I am certainly optimistic the three that I suspect are chocolate reapers have a darker trunk then their surrounding counterparts.
I administer the bug sh!t around once every two months, in my experience over the last 8 months a higher dosage seems to burn the plants, finally I have the right dosage combination through the process of trial and error and the plants are loving it.
Nature the incredible.
I trust you have a wonderful Tuesday.
Love, light and blessings.
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 27/37) Liquid rewards.
Stunning bruv thanks a ton..Cheer$;)