Today early in the morning,I got up and went for walk in the nearby park.I took exercise there.I enjoyed the fresh air with dew on grass.I also enjoyed the sun rising scene.Then I returned home and drank a cup of tea.Then I read a nove a little.After that I played cricket.I met my friends who live near my home.We talked a while on corona virus vaccination.Then I went for vaccination on vaccination center.I vaccinated my self.This was the great source to protect myself from the cronovirus.Then I descided to visit a nursery.I went there.I saw a lot of plants there.There were flowers of different colors and creed.
Love for plants
I love to see plants.I care and look after plants day and night.I take care of plants at home and nursery.I have a big nursery to sell sell different types of plants.Plants love you if you love them like children.There are so many plants in my nursery farm.Nursery is the symble of plants always.Take care of all plants.
Plant Nursery
There are a lot of nursery in the world.Plants are available in every nursery of the world.A man who is keen of plants.He will must take establishment of plants.Plants breathe into the water.Showering of water on plants give them new life everyday.New plants means new life new hope and new determinztion.Plants and flowers give new life to every nursery.
Watering Plants
Watering is very good hobby.Watering plants give plants a life of joy and freshness.I water plants daily.When it sun rises.I water plants early in the morning.Water plants with dew drops.Dew drops on plants look mych beautiful.Watering plants means you are doing something great in life.Care plants by watering them.Water is life for plants.Save water,save earth,save earth ,save nature and safe life.
Green Nursery plants
Every green plant keeps clean and neat the whole surrounding enviroment.Green plants keep mind and eyes fresh.Daily see green plants and enjoy the healthy life.Love the plants which have greenry.Green plants reduce hotness of sun.Green plants keep the enviroment cool cool.
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