Working on a chicken cage/ Sharing some experiences

Hello everyone! I decided to start a blog sharing my experience working day on the land.

I'm building a chicken cage to make some room for them. They started being just six and many others have been joined the pack. Besides all of them are different (the one on the photo is actually a duck)The pioners were five Cocchins (that's how they called here) then three more joined: an araucan frizzled, an olive green egg layering gray (some call them blue something) and a Legbar. Those bond and started the community. Later joined Ayam Semani, ducks, Polish, Silkies and Seramas.

As they grow on number needed a bigger coop. Now I'm concerned about how to build the nest and a pole for them to sleep. Any ideas are appreciated. Also wanted to know about the Hive community interested on agriculture.

Make a Great Day


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