My agriculture in the home garden

Hello friends and community, it is with great pleasure that I share with you this post of mine about agriculture and mainly about my vegetable garden here at home.
I always liked to make a vegetable garden, since I was a child and my grandfather planted cabbage, for example, I always had a little piece of land for me to plant.
I loved to see the plants grow that I had sown in the earth. I still remember when it rained the smell of wet earth and the little plants growing day after day.
I was born in a small village where people plant to eat, and believe me, the food we plant in the garden and then harvest has a special flavor, maybe because we plant it ourselves, but they seem to have a different flavor, you really know how to eat something I grew it and I took care.
In the photographs that follow are some of my garden of my plantations.
At the moment I have, among other plants, tomatoes, green beans, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, courgettes, lettuce and sprouts of a kind of cabbage that my father gave me to plant.
In the photos that follow are some of my garden, my dedication and my pride in having these plants and taking care of them.


Here are some courgettes that are already growing and are very good, for example to make a delicious courgette soup that I love




My green beans are already starting to flower a little and then the green beans start to grow, they will be delicious when cooked



My tomato plants and tomatoes are growing well, now they just need to grow a little more and change color to red which is a sign that they are ripe and tasty, from here I hope for a good harvest.



The lettuces are already huge, I love to eat a good salad of lettuce with onions and seasoned with salt, oil and a good vinegar or lemon juice


From here I hope to harvest some big and good onions, I use a lot of onions for salads and for sautéing. By the looks of it, the onions in this patch will be good and will give a good harvest.
