Good morning all, I will like tell us while we need self motivation, Firstly Self motivation is the ability to push oneself to take action to chasing goals and to accomplish it.
It's what make us to keep going on target, especially when we are trying to become what we want to be,not because someone told you but because u feel motivated
Even more important is discipline, when motivation fails that's what keeps you going. And can't deny sometimes it's hard to stay disciplined
Totally agree with your point, some days it is hard to be motivated and sometimes you just don't have the energy for that and that is where discipline comes in, telling yourself that you have to do this thing and making sure you do it.
Yeah, I do prefer being motivated but that's just not always the case in reality.
your correct i agree with you on this, discipline in so needed to help one when he/she feels down.
I love ur point,If there is something you want to achieve,motivation determined How much effort you put in, in order to achieve that goal, is discipline
Think you could put it like that indeed.
Yeah i agree with you, self motivation is an act of driving and performing initiative actions to pursue and achieve a goal. Which simply means some one need to keep it in mind that it's
not over on till it's over. Just keep going and get motivated on till your goals is accomplished. Good morning
U say the truth, sometimes when you have lesss have less motivation You may not want to do anything or u get discouraged.
Yeah, given rewards is part of motivation in life because people need to be motivated so that they can go more
Thanks a lot for the word of encouragement
Almost welcome! You're blessed
But we gotta learn to live with it too.. Not always will we get rewarded. Sometimes we will, other times we learn. And that should be enough to keep us motivated.
Morning. Yeah, Self motivation is very important. It's great we constantly keep ourselves motivated. The crowd may not cheer us, the reason we need to keep cheering up ourselves to keep doing better and getting better.
Whenever we feel down or lose drive, we shouldn't forget to renew our mind by looking deep, keep going and pushing ourselves to the limits.
Self Motivation is very important but sometimes it gets difficult to keep yourself motivated. As long as you see all greens, the motivation is On. But the challenge comes when you have to stay motivated during Reds. And those who succeed there are heroes. Not like others are not, but yes, it's a difficult task. I won't deny, I do fail sometimes.
Yeah. We all fail sometimes. It's quite normal to be down on the sight of reds. The thing is we shouldn't dwell much there. What the strong do is to find a way to keep their hope high in the prospect of a better tomorrow
You are right bro, Motivation will help you to achieve your personal goals. If an individual is motivated, you will have satisfaction. Motivation will help in self-development of individual.
Yeah , very true about it's impact on been more effective on the job has motivation tend to improve the general performance of an individual who constantly does it
Exactly, I wish most of the employer's can understand this that motivation is part of what can make their employees to work harder without complaining
Yeah, this is one key area employers ought to pay more attention. I believe this area is part of the role of the human resource dept. In a job where the employees receive no form of motivation, is not worth it at all
I wish their can hear this a lot are suffering under the influence of them not receiving any incentive that can easily motivate them
This seem to be like an issue you're facing. It's seems personal. Am I right about that? If that's the case you need to relate your concerns to the superiors It doesn't affect your attitude to work
That is the truth,motivation did a lot in the life of human being,Finding ways to improve motivation is important because it allows us to change behavior, and boost knowledge
Exactly. Thanks for bringing up the topic and helping me search deep once again
The action of doing your work brings motivation in you and the most important thing about success is that it falls on those who work hard. So we can say hard work and motivation can make you successful. Also if you do not give Attention to discipline and consistency, it's hard to stay motivated.
self motivation is needed in everyday life to carry out our activities in other to achieve our goal and objective.
sometimes in life we feel weak and lazy to do certain things in other to profit our life, i will like to digress a bit by saying no food for a lazy man. No one will do it for you if you do not make a move or strive to do it. we are our own helper in life and for us to survive we have to be self motivated.
Thank you.
That is just the truth,no wonderful their was a say that a successful man does not use the whole night to sleep.. Because he always decipline himself and get him or her self motivated all the time
Nice saying, definitely word of a wise man. When you are not determined to some extent to achieve your goals, the end product is failure.