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RE: Don't let what you say to people hurt them..

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

One of the most important thing in life is that our word mean a lot to people a word have a lot of different meaning in what can kill and a world can save we should always learn not to allow our world to add people but make it a word of encouragement

The issues that some people doesn't know how powerful the world is our watch always be a word of encouragement to others because when we said a word that hurt people it goes a long way in their heart and some may not even have the heart of forgiveness

We should always be mindful of every word that come out from our from us because word can never be reversed an that us why we really need to be think why we need to think any word before we saying it out.

This topic us a very educative one and I believe we have alot of person to learn from it,i'm really glad gland to see this your post and to be able to share my point on it

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Thanks...I really appreciate your comment

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